Members packaged the books for distribution in the South Bend community. 

July 18, 2024

Literature Distribution Opens Doors to the Gospel in South Bend

On Saturday, May 25, 2024, the South Bend First Seventh-day Adventist Church, Indiana Conference embarked on an extraordinary mission filled with purpose and passion.

The goal was to visit 1,000 homes and leave a trail of hope by gifting a book to each household. Empowered by the General Conference's publishing department, which generously supplied over 500 books, and the purchase of an additional 600 books, the church was more than equipped for mission. 

The day kicked off with a sermon by General Conference Associate Director of Publishing Stephen Apola, followed by a training session in the afternoon led by Streams of Light International evangelist Eric Rosa. Armed with faith and enthusiasm, 40 dedicated church members, a diverse group spanning generations, eagerly set out on their journey. 

In a whirlwind of joy and fellowship, the team covered nearly 750 homes and distributed 800 books of various titles in just two hours—a testament to the collective spirit and determination. Many neighbors opening their hearts, requesting prayers, and showing curiosity about Bible studies. It became clear that God had indeed prepared the way. 

Covering merely five percent of the church's neighborhood that day, members were reminded of the vast mission field ahead. Yet, church members' overwhelming excitement and commitment signal just the beginning of an ongoing endeavor. There are plans to make this outreach a monthly event to continue knitting closer ties with the community. 

A heartwarming realization was the significant number of seniors in the neighborhood. This sparked an initiative within the pastoral team and congregation to craft a dedicated program catering to the seniors’ spiritual needs. 

This outreach event was more than just about distributing books; it was about laying the foundations of friendship, community, and faith. Our ultimate vision is to be messengers of hope, bridging hearts to Jesus one visit, one book, and one smile at a time. The enthusiasm and love felt on this remarkable day have only fueled our desire to shine even brighter in our community, proving that we can make a tremendous difference together. 

Omwocha Nyaribo is associate pastor of the South Bend First Seventh-day Adventist Church.